Dei Bardi Art
Belgium, Brussels
Dei Bardi Art is a third-generation family-owned gallery run by Alessandra Dei Bardi and her daughter, Giulia. Grounded by a strong family tradition, the gallery was founded in 1976. After more than thirty years' experience in the Italian art market and ten years on the Parisian and international scene, it opened its doors in the renowned Sablon district of Brussels in 2019. Dei Bardi Art offers a wide selection of works, ranging from medieval sculptures and Wunderkammer objects to Renaissance sculptures, with a special emphasis on marble and stone sculptures. At the heart of its business lies careful research and a selection of artworks selected on the basis of quality, rarity and curiosity. The gallery has taken part in prestigious Italian art fairs such as the Biennale Internazionale dell’Antiquariato in Florence and the Internazionale di Milano. From Florence to Brussels, Dei Bardi Art aims to shed new light on European sculptures and works of art from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

More than 15,000 artworks
from world’s finest art and antique dealers