Eskimo Okvik Ornament
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Eskimo Okvik Ornament

Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Date 300 B.C. - 300 A.D

Period Antiquity

Origin Alaska

Medium Mineralized walrus tusk

Dimension 3.9 cm (1¹/₂ inches)

A minute ornament carved with a heart-shaped grimacing face. Okvik Culture, St. Lawrence Island, Bering Strait, Alaska. 300 B.C. - 300 A.D. Mineralized walrus tusk (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). 3,9 cm.

Date: 300 B.C. - 300 A.D

Period: Antiquity

Origin: Alaska

Medium: Mineralized walrus tusk

Dimension: 3.9 cm (1¹/₂ inches)

Literature: SURRÉALISME & ARTS PRIMITIFS Une révolution du regard. Fondation Pierre Arnaud, Lens (CH), 19/06/2014 – 5/10/2014.

Exhibition: SURRÉALISME & ARTS PRIMITIFS Une révolution du regard. Fondation Pierre Arnaud, Lens (CH), 19/06/2014 – 5/10/2014.

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Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Tribal Art dealer specializing in early Oceanic Art since 1980 and archaic Eskimo Art since 2010

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