‘Peering behind the screen’
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Boris Dmitrievich Grigoriev

‘Peering behind the screen’

James Butterwick

Date 1921

Period 20th century

Origin Russia

Dimension 29.97 x 35.05 cm (11⁴/₅ x 13⁴/₅ inches)

Date: 1921

Period: 20th century

Origin: Russia

Dimension: 29.97 x 35.05 cm (11⁴/₅ x 13⁴/₅ inches)

Provenance: Y.E. Rubenstein, Moscow
Frank Virasoro, Argentina.
Zurburan Gallery, Buenos Aires
Bonhams Russian Sale, London, 30 November 2011, Lot No. 75

Exhibition: Manoas, Brasil, date unknown.
Sotheby’s Moscow, ‘Russian Line’, March 2012.
Butterwick Gallery, London, ‘Acquisitions and Loans’, May-July 2012.
TsDkH, Moscow, ‘Possessed by Line’, October 2012.

Discover the Gallery

James Butterwick

Russian, Ukrainian and European Fine Art 1890-1930

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