Three Hamlets, Two Villages
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Boris Kosarev

Three Hamlets, Two Villages

James Butterwick

Date 1921

Period 20th century

Origin Ukraine

Medium Watercolour on paper

Dimension 23.88 x 19.05 cm (9²/₅ x 7¹/₂ inches)

Date: 1921

Period: 20th century

Origin: Ukraine

Medium: Watercolour on paper

Dimension: 23.88 x 19.05 cm (9²/₅ x 7¹/₂ inches)

Provenance: The artist, Kharkov
Nadezhda Kosareva, the artist’s daughter, Munich

Literature: Boris Kosarev, 1920s: From Painting to Theatre-Movies-Photography, Rodovid, Kharkov, 2009 (p. 104, ill.)
Boris Kosarev’s View of Earth, National Centre of Alexander Dovzhenko, 2011 (p.151, ill., fragment)
Encyclopaedia of Russian Avant-Garde, Moscow, 2013, Part I (p. 497, ill.)

Exhibition: Boris Kosarev, Ukrpoligraphservice, 1998, p.8 (ill.)
Boris Kosarev. Modernist Kharkiv 1915-1931, Ukrainian Museum, New York, 4 December – 2 May 2012 (p.136, ill.)
Boris Kosarev. Modernist Kharkiv 1915-1931, Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema, Kiev, 17 May – 12 June 2012 (p.136, ill.)
Postponed Futures, London, GRAD Gallery, 26 April – 24 June 2017 (p.44, ill.)

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James Butterwick

Russian, Ukrainian and European Fine Art 1890-1930

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