Under beech and fir trees
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Albijn Van den Abeele

Under beech and fir trees

Galerie Oscar de Vos

Date 1897

Period 1890-1900, 1890s, Naturalism, Symbolism

Origin Gallery

Medium Oil on canvas

Dimension 81 x 69 cm (31⁷/₈ x 27¹/₈ inches)

Framed dimension 101 x 89 cm (39³/₄ x 35⁰/₁ inches)

Date: 1897

Period: 1890-1900, 1890s, Naturalism, Symbolism

Origin: Gallery

Medium: Oil on canvas

Signature: Signed lower right: albijn van den abeele

Dimension: 81 x 69 cm (31⁷/₈ x 27¹/₈ inches)

Provenance: - Collection dr. Louis Remouchamps (1897-1973), Gand

Literature: - Chabot, G., Albijn Van den Abeele 1835-1918, (Sint-Martens-Latem: Latemse Kunstkring, 1968), 16, 8 (ill.).
- Devoghelaere, H., Albijn Van den Abeele (Gent: KUNST, 1935), p. 39, no. 44.
- De Ridder, A., Laethem-Saint-Martin. Colonie d'artistes (Bruxelles: Editions lumières, 1946), p. 152-153 (ill.).
- Van den Abeele, R., Albijn Van den Abeele. De stamvader van de Lateme kunstenaars (Gent: Snoeck Ducaju & Zoon / Gemeentekrediet, 1993), p. 179, 207, 92 (ill.).

Exhibition: Gent, Kunstverbond van Vlaanderen, 1897
Gent, Kunstgalerij Brabantdam, 06-19/01/1924, nr. 14
Sint-Martens-Latem, Gemeentehuis, 15/06-22/07/1968, nr. 18

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Galerie Oscar de Vos

Latem School paintings, works on paper and sculptures, (post-) Impressionism, Symbolism, Expressionism, Surrealism and modern Belgian art

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