Otto Dix
Self-portrait with hand, 1968
Ronny Van De Velde
Provenance: Private collection, Germany
19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings
More artworks from the Gallery
George Grosz
Blick in die Tauentzienstrasse
. Avant-Garde 1920-1925
Jozef Peeters (1895-1960)- Felix De Boeck (1898-1995)-Paul Joostens (1892-1960)-Jos.Leonard (1892-1957)-Victor Servranckx (1897-1965)-René Magritte (1898-1967)
Henri-Victor Wolvens
Paysage Ardennes, 1927
Peter De Meyer
Time 1/7
Marcel Duchamp
Eau et gaz à tous les étages ou Sur Marcel Duchamp, 1959
Odilon Redon
Centaure et Chiméra