Skizze zur Kriegsradierung "Matrosen in Antwerpen"
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Otto Dix

Skizze zur Kriegsradierung "Matrosen in Antwerpen"

Ronny Van De Velde

Date 1923/24

Period 20th century

Origin Germany

Medium Pencil on paper

Dimension 30.2 x 43.3 cm (11⁷/₈ x 17 inches)

Date: 1923/24

Period: 20th century

Origin: Germany

Medium: Pencil on paper

Dimension: 30.2 x 43.3 cm (11⁷/₈ x 17 inches)

Provenance: Galerie Albstadt, Städtische Kunstsammlungen, Inv.-Nr. SWG 85/57b, Stiftung Slg. Walther Groz

Literature: Albstadt 1984 (1985), Nr. 310, tafel 102; Regensburg 1981, nr 46

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Ronny Van De Velde

19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings

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