Louis XVI silver wine taster by Yves-Marie Destriche, Chateau-Gontier c.1782
S.J. Phillips Ltd
Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver
More artworks from the Gallery
Double emerald drop and diamond sautoir necklace
Pair of early 20th century gold and enamel cufflinks by Marcus & Co, New York, the oval faces embossed with an Egyptianesque lotus set against a red enamel background,
Pair of Art Deco diamond pendant earrings with baguette diamond fringe
Gold mounted cartouche shaped lapis lazuli box
Early 19th century diamond, ruby and turquoise St Esprit dove brooch, c.1830, the bird modelled in the classic form diving-to-earth,
Early 20th century plique-à-jour enamel and diamond butterfly brooch, c.1905, converting for wear as either a diadem or a hair comb,