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Marcel - Louis Baugniet


Ronny Van De Velde

Date 1925

Period 20th century

Origin Belgium

Medium 9 woodcuts on Dutch paper

Dimension 33 x 245 cm (13 x 96¹/₂ inches)

Date: 1925

Period: 20th century

Origin: Belgium

Medium: 9 woodcuts on Dutch paper

Signature: Signed and numbered.

Dimension: 33 x 245 cm (13 x 96¹/₂ inches)

Provenance: La Vache Rose, Brussel
Privéverzameling, Brussel

Literature: Jan Ceuleers, van natuur naar abstractie, Knokke, Galerie Ronny van de Velde, 2016, pp 168-171
Xavier Canonne, 7 Arts (1922-1928), Knokke, Galerie Ronny Van de Velde, 2017, pp.50-53 ill.
Peter J.H. Pauwels, Pauwels, Huib Hoste en zijn tijdgenoten. Belgische Avant-Garde 1914-1930, Knokke, Gallery Ronny Van de Velde/Delen Private Bank, 2018, pp.54-55

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Ronny Van De Velde

19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings

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