A rare carved mirror retaining its original paint
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A rare carved mirror retaining its original paint

Godson & Coles

Date circa 1735

Period George I

Origin English

Dimension 170 x 92 cm (66⁷/₈ x 36¹/₄ inches)


Height: 67 in (170 cm)         Width: 36 in (92 cm)

The broken cornice carved with leaves and centred by a shell cartouche with trailing foliage over a central tablet carved with swags of fruit and flowers. The frame ornamented with shell and dart with Greek Key moulding and astragals of ribbon and flowers.
This magnificent mirror has exquisite detailing and retains all its original painted decoration. It is remarkably similar to an example at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire and is undoubtedly by the same hand.

Date: circa 1735

Period: George I

Origin: English

Dimension: 170 x 92 cm (66⁷/₈ x 36¹/₄ inches)

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Godson & Coles

English Antique Furniture and Modern British Art

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