A Melon Shape Soup Tureen
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John Samuel Hunt

A Melon Shape Soup Tureen

Koopman Rare Art

Date 1849

Period Victorian

Origin London

Dimension 40.6 cm (16 inches)

The soup tureen on four bifurcated cast feet formed as pumpkin leaves and flowers
The body of the soup tureen lobed with two cast handles formed as tendrils, leaves and flowers of the pumpkin. The tureen with a scrolling naturalistic border. The cover also lobed with a finial cast and formed as pumpkins in fruit.

Weight: 3,760 g, 120 oz 18 dwt

The crest probably that for the Pierpont family.

Date: 1849

Period: Victorian

Origin: London

Dimension: 40.6 cm (16 inches)

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Koopman Rare Art

Fine English and Continental silver, Objects of Vertu

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