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Oswald Haerdtl


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date around 1940

Period Vienna, around 1940

Origin Austrian

Medium Hardwood, shiny and matt gilding

Dimension 70 x 175 cm (27¹/₂ x 68⁷/₈ inches)

Designed by: Oswald Haerdtl, Vienna, around 1940
Executed by: Max Welz for Mr. and Mrs. Rhomberg, 1943

Hardwood with rich, hand-carved decorations, shiny and matt gilding; retouching and repairs to the gilding and frame, excellent condition

H 70 cm, W 175 cm

A note on the original invoice says: “Für Comm. Rhomberg –L7108
1 Spiegelrahmen nach eigenem Entwurf, der durchwegs mit einer reichen, handgeschnitzten Verzierung umgeben ist in der Grösse 170 x 65 cm auf Branntwein (old term for guilding), glanz und matt vergoldet“ (For Comm. Rhomberg -L7108 1 mirror frame, own design, surrounded throughout with rich hand-carved decoration size 170 x 65 cm on Branntwein, shiny and matt gilding)

The Rhomberg family owned one of the most important Austrian textile companies in the Province of Vorarlberg, where, alongside many traditional textiles, some of the most beautiful products of renowned Viennese architects were produced in excellent quality around the turn of the century.
The O. Rhomberg family commissioned the very dedicated and important Viennese architect Oswald Haerdtl with the interior design of their Viennese home, which was obviously furnished in a step-by-step process.
According to the original invoice, the mirror frame was purchased from the Max Welz company on 30 June 1943 at a price of RM 3,500.
The object cat. no. 68 was also designed by O. Haerdtl and executed by M. Welz for Mr. and Mrs. Rhomberg, however, not until 1951. 

Date: around 1940

Period: Vienna, around 1940

Origin: Austrian

Medium: Hardwood, shiny and matt gilding

Dimension: 70 x 175 cm (27¹/₂ x 68⁷/₈ inches)

Provenance: private property, Austria, Rhomberg family 


Ref.: Contemporary photo of the Rhomberg apartment,
Vienna; original invoice dated 30 June 1943, invoice no. 6611

Discover the Gallery

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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