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Michael Niedermoser


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date around 1908

Period Early 20th century

Origin Vienna

Dimension 191 x 140 x 35 cm (75¹/₄ x 55¹/₈ x 13³/₄ inches)

Designed by: Josef Niedermoser, Vienna around 1908

Executed by: Michael Niedermoser, Vienna around 1908

Solid oak and veneer, dyed black, carved leaf décor, cut and facetted glass, surface cleaned, retouches, slightly repolished, brass fittings, very good original condition.

H 191 cm, W 140 cm, D 35/55 cm\

Date: around 1908

Period: Early 20th century

Origin: Vienna

Dimension: 191 x 140 x 35 cm (75¹/₄ x 55¹/₈ x 13³/₄ inches)

Provenance: private property, Austria

Discover the Gallery

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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