Snuff bottle grey jade nephrite carved in the shape of a margose or balsam pear (bitter cucumber) with its stem, the animated bottom of honeycombs and a bee
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Snuff bottle grey jade nephrite carved in the shape of a margose or balsam pear (bitter cucumber) with its stem, the animated bottom of honeycombs and a bee

Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne

Date 1760/1850

Period 18th/19th century

Origin China

Dimension 8 cm (3¹/₈ inches)

Date: 1760/1850

Period: 18th/19th century

Origin: China

Dimension: 8 cm (3¹/₈ inches)

Provenance: Old private collection of Mr G (Chartres)

Literature: Similar : Imperial Collection of Palace Museum N°221 p 148

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Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne

Fine Chinese Art and Snuff Bottles

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