Relief “carpe diem“
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Georg Klimt

Relief “carpe diem“

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1900

Period Early 20th century

Dimension 44 x 30.5 cm (17³/₈ x 12 inches)

Designed and executed by: Georg Klimt, Vienna, around 1900

Copper, chased, very beautiful slightly cleaned original patina with retouches, opal coloured glass cabochons, excellent original condition.

unframed: 44 x 30.5 cm

framed: 55.5 x 42 cm

This relief, even though unsigned like so many other reliefs created by this artist, is clearly by Georg Klimt. In my private collection there is a very similar signed relief with identical dimensions, installed as the ultimate decorative element on a piece of furniture designed by August Ungethüm.

Many reliefs, such as this one created by Georg Klimt, illustrate the close links between Viennese arts and crafts, held in high esteem at the time and executed by first-class cabinetmakers trained at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts (todays MAK) such as Michael Niedermoser or August Ungethüm, and the "liberal arts".

Including this relief, many such works of art created by Georg Klimt were commissioned as decorative panels and installed by first-class Viennese cabinetmakers such as Michael Niedermoser and August Ungethüm in their furniture.

Date: 1900

Period: Early 20th century

Dimension: 44 x 30.5 cm (17³/₈ x 12 inches)


private property, Austria

Discover the Gallery

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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