Gottlieb’s Wishing Well
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George Segal

Gottlieb’s Wishing Well

Ronny Van De Velde

Date 1963

Period 20th century

163 x 60 x 136 cm – Pinball machine
150 x 77 x 67 cm – sculpture

Date: 1963

Period: 20th century

Provenance: Sonnabend Ileana Gallery, Parijs
Betty Barman, Brussel
Pierre & Marianne Nahon, Parijs
Guy Pieters, Knokke

Literature: Allan Kaprow, Segal, Ileana Sonnabend Gallery, Parijs, 1963 , p. 12 – 13 ill

Exhibition: Ileana Sonnabend Gallery, Segal, Parijs, oktober-november 1963,
Galerie Beaubouny, Invasion Blanche, Parijs, 1990

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Ronny Van De Velde

19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings

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