Cameo Engraved with a Hand Holding an Earlobe
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Cameo Engraved with a Hand Holding an Earlobe

David Aaron

Period 4th- 5th Century A.D

Origin Roman empire

Period: 4th- 5th Century A.D

Origin: Roman empire

Provenance: Formerly in the Private Collection of Mr Giorgio Sangiorgi (1886-1960), acquired in the late 19th or early 20th century.
Sold at: Ancient Jewellery, Christie’s, New York, 6th December 2007, Lot 342.
Swiss art market, acquired from the above sale.
Paris art market, acquired from the above.

With IADAA certificate, this item has been searched against the Interpol database.

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David Aaron

Specializing in Classical, Egyptian, Near Eastern, Islamic and Indian Works of art.

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