Large dish "Famille rose"
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Large dish "Famille rose"

Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne

Period Yongzheng perod 1723/1735

Medium porcelain

Dimension 43 cm (16⁷/₈ inches)

Large dish "Famille rose" porcelain decorated with the Goddess of Longevity ,Magu and the basketof lingzhi fungus (used to brew the longevity wine) and longevity peach both situated on a artemisia leaf.She carries a hoe where a branch of peony flowers hangs.  

Period: Yongzheng perod 1723/1735

Medium: porcelain

Dimension: 43 cm (16⁷/₈ inches)

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Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne

Fine Chinese Art and Snuff Bottles

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