Lombardic Gold Disk
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Lombardic Gold Disk

David Aaron

Period 6th -7th Century A.D

Origin Italy

Medium gold

Period: 6th -7th Century A.D

Origin: Italy

Medium: gold

Provenance: Previously in the Collection of Comtesse Martine-Marie-Octavie Pol de Béhague (1870-1939), Paris.
Thence by descent to Marquis Jean-Louis Hubert de Ganay (1922-2013), France.
Sold at: Antiquites et Objets d’Art: Collection de Martine, Comtesse de Béhague, Provenant de la Succession du Marquis de Ganay, Sotheby’s, Monaco, 5 December 1987, Lot 40.

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David Aaron

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