Pair of sauce boats
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Pair of sauce boats

Philippe d´Arschot

Date 1761

Period 1750-1850

Origin Nivelles

Medium Silver and partially silver gilt

Dimension 10.3 x 21 cm (4 x 8¹/₄ inches)

Weight : 324 and 352 grams
Albert Charles I Davant

Date: 1761

Period: 1750-1850

Origin: Nivelles

Medium: Silver and partially silver gilt

Dimension: 10.3 x 21 cm (4 x 8¹/₄ inches)

Literature: Walter van Dievoet, Orfèvres du Brabant Wallon, 2012, pp.19-20

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Philippe d´Arschot

Fine antique silver from the 16th to the 19th Centuries

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