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Koloman Moser


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1900

Period 20th century

Origin Austrian

Medium Clear glass, optically blown, silver plated brass mounting

Dimension 29 cm (11³/₈ inches)

Designed by: Koloman Moser attr., around 1900

Executed by: mounting: Argentor-Werke, glass: Meyr's Neffe for E.
Bakalowits Söhne

Décor: Kristall Meteor 100

Marked: 3, B.E.P.W.F., 1058

Very good original condition

Quote Christian Witt Döring: "In addition to the already established contacts, there are now also producers from the porcelain and furniture industry such as Josef Böck, the bentwood furniture manufacturer J. &. J. Kohn and the Prag-Rudnik wickerwork factory. Products made by the companies E. Bakalowits Söhne and  Josef Böck are sold as Moser's design but also under the label "SCHULE Prof. KOLO MOSER", which can be found either on independent designs by his students or on objects whose shapes were designed by Moser, but whose decorations were designed by students".

Date: 1900

Period: 20th century

Origin: Austrian

Medium: Clear glass, optically blown, silver plated brass mounting

Dimension: 29 cm (11³/₈ inches)


Private property, Austria

Literature: Hand-drawings archives at the Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, design drawing inv. no. KI 13758-98; C. Thun-Hohenstein, C. Witt-Dörring, E. Schmuttermeier (ed.) Koloman Moser, Universalkünstler, exhibition catalogue, MAK Vienna, Vienna 2018, p. 50; W. Neuwirth, Argentor-Werke, Rust & Hetzel, Nachdruck des Musterbuches no. 13, 2006, p. 82

Discover the Gallery

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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