Statuette representing a black Pharaoh in a kneeling position
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Statuette representing a black Pharaoh in a kneeling position

Sycomore Ancient Art

Date 751-656 B.C.

Period Antiquity

Origin Egypt

Medium Bronze

Dimension 8 cm (3¹/₈ inches)

Ancient Egyptian art, Kushite Period, 25th Dynasty.

Date: 751-656 B.C.

Period: Antiquity

Origin: Egypt

Medium: Bronze

Dimension: 8 cm (3¹/₈ inches)

Provenance: Private collection, Monsieur J. C., France, established in the 1970s-1980s; Published

Literature: Jocelyne BERLANDINI - Un bronze royal agenouillé d’époque kouchite: une statuette de Chabaka ou de Taharqa?, in: Du Sinaï au Soudan. Itinéraire d’une archéologue (Mélanges offerts au Professeur Dominique Valbelle), Ed. by Nathalie FAVRY, Chloé RAGAZZOLI, Claire SOMAGLINO, Pierre TALLET, Paris (2017), pp. 17-30

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