Putto with “Grape Shirt”
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Berthold Löffler

Putto with “Grape Shirt”

Galerie bei der Albertina - Zetter

Date Around 1912

Period 20th century

Origin Austria, Vienna

Medium Pale pottery, Polychrome glaze

Dimension 54 cm (21¹/₄ inches)

Manufactured by Wiener Keramik

Date: Around 1912

Period: 20th century

Origin: Austria, Vienna

Medium: Pale pottery, Polychrome glaze


Marks: WK, monograms Lö and AK

Dimension: 54 cm (21¹/₄ inches)


cf Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, vol. XXXI, Darmstadt, Oct. 1912 – March 1913, ill. p. 95
cf L.W. Rochowanski, Wiener Keramik, Leipzig and Vienna 1923, ill. p. 31 (Putto with “Flower Pants”)
cf Max Eisler, Dagobert Peche, Vienna and Leipzig 1925, plate 9


Exhibition Imperial Royal Museum of Art and Industry (today's MAK), Vienna 1912
Werkbund exhibition, Cologne 1914

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Galerie bei der Albertina - Zetter

Austrian Paintings, Sculptures and Design Objects from the 20th and 21st Century

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