Flower Basket
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Josef Hoffmann

Flower Basket

Galerie bei der Albertina - Zetter

Date 1910

Period 20th century

Origin Austria, Vienna

Medium latticed, silver, Punched décor (“ivy pattern”)

Dimension 24.64 cm (9⁷/₁₀ inches)

Manufactured by the Wiener Werkstätte, model number S 1451
New glass insert after the original model

Date: 1910

Period: 20th century

Origin: Austria, Vienna

Medium: latticed, silver, Punched décor (“ivy pattern”)

Signature: WIENER WERKSTÄTTE, WW, rose signet, monogram JH, unknown silversmith’s monogram JH, head of Diana.

Dimension: 24.64 cm (9⁷/₁₀ inches)

Literature: cf WW-Archives, MAK Vienna, Photo-Archives WWF 94-102-2
cf Exhibition catalogue “Der Preis der Schönheit. 100 Jahre Wiener Werkstätte”, MAK, Vienna 2003-04, ill. p. 191, cat. no M 180

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Galerie bei der Albertina - Zetter

Austrian Paintings, Sculptures and Design Objects from the 20th and 21st Century

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