George Minne
Kneeling youth
Date 1925
Epoque 1920-1930, 1920s, Symbolism
Origine Gallery
Medium White marble
Dimension 72 x 43 x 26 cm (28³/₈ x 16⁷/₈ x 10¹/₄ inches)
Date: 1925
Epoque: 1920-1930, 1920s, Symbolism
Origine: Gallery
Medium: White marble
Signature: Signed : G MINNE
Dimension: 72 x 43 x 26 cm (28³/₈ x 16⁷/₈ x 10¹/₄ inches)
Literature: - Van Puyvelde, L., George Minne (Bruxelles: Cahier de Belgique, 1930), no. 105, pl. 89 (ill. of another copy).
- Hoozee, R., M. Tahon-Vanroose, A. Alhadeff, George Minne en de kunst rond 1900 (Gent: Gemeentekrediet, 1982), p. 246-247, no. 209 (ill. of another copy in plaster).
- Hoozee, R., D. Lampens, P. Baudson e.a., De eerste groep van Sint-Martens-Latem 1899-1914 (Brussel: KMSKB, 1988).
- Engelen-Marx, Beeldhouwkunst in België vanaf 1830, deel I A-D (Brussel: Algemeen Rijksarchief, 2002), p. 2601 (ill. of another copy).
- Berg, B., Y. Deseyve, E. van Raaij e.a., George Minne, voorbode van de moderne kunst (Bremen: Gerhard Marcks-Haus/Wienand, 2013), p. 20-22 (ill. of another copy).
- Wolf, Georg Jacob, "George Minne," in: Die Kunst für alle: Malerei, Plastik, Graphik, Architektur, jrg. 44 (München: F. Bruckmann A.G., 1928-1929), p. 256-258 (ill. of another copy).
- De Latemse School, exh. cat. (Sint-Martens-Latem: Latem Molen, 1980), no. 8 (ill. of another marble).
Exhibition: - 1982, Ghent, Museum van Schone Kunsten, George Minne en de kunst rond 1900, 18.09-05.12.1982, no. 209.
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