Stele of Sa-pa-ïr

David Aaron

Epoque New Kingdom 1550 - 1077 B.C

Origine Egypt

Epoque: New Kingdom 1550 - 1077 B.C

Origine: Egypt

Provenance: Reputedly from Abydos, based on its style, type, and dedication to Osiris.
Previously in the Private Collection of Charles Maurice Darcy (6th July 1893 – 27th December 1940), officer in the French Air Force, who discovered it in the 1920s in the grounds of Villa la Sapinière on the island of Noirmoutier, France (according to family accounts).
Thence by descent to his son, Henri Darcy (1st February 1930 - 12th August 1953), officer in the French Air Force (accompanied by a note written prior to 1953 by Henri Darcy following a meeting with Jean Leclant (1920-2011), the famous archaeologist, discussing Leclant’s comments on the stele).
Thence by descent to his sister, Jacqueline Darcy (11th March 1919 - 2017), who married M. Arnaud de Seze (22nd December 1907 – 10th December 1987).
Thence by descent to their daughter, Laurence de Seze (10th December 1949 – 22nd July 2009), who married M. Xavier de La Celle (b. 1st December 1948), and kept in their mansion near Dijon.
Thence by descent to their children, the de La Celle family (accompanied by French Cultural Passport 229658).
ALR: S00218907, with IADAA Certificate, this item has been checked against the Interpol database.

Exhibition: TEFAF, Maastrict, 2022

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David Aaron

Specializing in Classical, Egyptian, Near Eastern, Islamic and Indian Works of art.

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