Torso of Apollo
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Torso of Apollo

David Aaron

Period 1st- 2nd Century A.D

Origin Italy

Period: 1st- 2nd Century A.D

Origin: Italy

Provenance: With Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini (1596–1638), Villa Aldobrandini sul Monte Quirinale. Recorded in the inventories of the Villa from 1626 (C. Benocci, Villa Aldobrandini a Roma, 1992, p. 235, no. 104: "Un Appollo nudo in atto di tirar l'arco, con il carcasso dietro, alto palmi otto et mezzo, segnato n. 4") The number 4 mentioned in the 1626-inventory refers to a number incised on the formerly restored plinth.
Estate passed to Olimpia Aldobrandini-Borghese (1623-1682), Princess of Rossano.
Thence her son Giovanni Battista Pamphili (1648-1709), Duke of Carpineto, who recorded the piece in his inventory of 1709/1710 (Documenti inediti per servire alla storia dei musei d'Italia, vol. 3, 1880, p. 148: "Una statua di marmo di un Apollo nudo in atto di tirare l'arco, con il carcasso dietro, alta palmi otto incirca").
Daniel Katz, Connaught Gallery, 1971
Tennants Auctioneers, Leyburn, March 21st, no. 213, illus. (As “circa 17th Century”, without provenance)
ALR: S00201058
Accompanied by Interpol certificate.

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David Aaron

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