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Jean-François PORTAELS


Berko Fine Paintings

Period 1850-1900, 19th century

Origin Belgium

Medium Oil on canvas

Dimension 100.5 x 77.5 cm (39⁵/₈ x 30¹/₂ inches)

Period: 1850-1900, 19th century

Origin: Belgium

Medium: Oil on canvas

Signature: Signed lower right

Dimension: 100.5 x 77.5 cm (39⁵/₈ x 30¹/₂ inches)

Provenance: Belgian School

Literature: P. & V. Berko, "Dictionary of Belgian painters born between 1750 & 1875", Knokke 1981, p. 527.
P. & V. Berko, "19th Century European Virtuoso Painters", Knokke 2011, p. 512.
D. Depelchin & I. Rossi-Schrimpf, Antoinette De Laet, "Portaels en de roep van de Oriënt (1841-1847)", Cahiers of the Royal Museums of Fine Art of Belgium, Royal Museums of Fine Art of Belgium, Brussels 2015.
Royal Academy of Belgium, "Bulletin des Beaux-Arts", 1945.

Exhibition: Antwerp - Brussels - Liège - Mons - Philadelphia - Prague - Stockholm - Stuttgart - Sydney

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Berko Fine Paintings

19th & Early 20th Century European Paintings

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