Ruby and diamond three stone ring, claw set with a cushion cut 2.52ct Burma ruby,
S.J. Phillips Ltd
Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver
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Edwardian Burma ruby, diamond and seed pearl pendant sautoir necklace, c.1905,
Late 19th century Burmese ruby and diamond flower cluster ring, English c.1895, set to the centre with an oval cut ruby, approximately 1.75ct,
Pair of diamond, sapphire and gold earrings
Diamond and demantoid garnet frog brooch
Early 20th century single stone pearl and diamond ring, c.1900, the 11.04ct bouton pearl of light iridescent grey colour,
Louis XV coloured gold oval box, Paris 1758, attributed to Henry Daniel Robineau