A Seated Woman Wearing a Feathered Hat
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Baron Dominique-Vivant DENON

A Seated Woman Wearing a Feathered Hat

Stephen Ongpin Fine Art

Period 1750-1850, 18th century, 19th century

Origin France

Medium Pen, Brown ink, Black chalk

Dimension 14.4 x 8.2 cm (5⁵/₈ x 3¹/₄ inches)

While a large number of Denon's own drawings were included in the sale of his collection in May 1826, the accompanying catalogue does not provide enough specific information to be able to identify individual sheets. A stylistically comparable drawing of a similar size by Denon, identified by him in a caption as a portrait of the Duchesse de Vicence and her child and sharing the same 19th century provenance as the present sheet, was on the art market in Paris in 1990.

Period: 1750-1850, 18th century, 19th century

Origin: France

Medium: Pen, Brown ink, Black chalk

Signature: Inscribed Denon in pencil on the album page on which the drawing has been attached.

Dimension: 14.4 x 8.2 cm (5⁵/₈ x 3¹/₄ inches)

Provenance: Part of a large group of drawings by or associated with Denon, assembled in the 19th century
Anonymous sale, London, Christie’s, 4 July 1989, part of lot 150
W. M. Brady & Co., New York
Private collection.

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