Ancestor figure

Galerie Bernard Dulon

Origine D. R. of the Congo

Medium Wood

Dimension 74 cm (29¹/₈ inches)

Hemba people, Niembo group

Origine: D. R. of the Congo

Medium: Wood

Dimension: 74 cm (29¹/₈ inches)

Provenance: Martial Bronsin collection, Bruxelles
Ginzberg collection, New York
Private collection, New York

Literature: La Gamma Alisa, Heroic Africans : Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures. New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
2011, fig. 207, pp.240-241.
La Gamma Alisa, Heroic Africans : Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures. Tribal Art Magazine, no. 61 (Autumn 2011), pp.
80-91, fig. 18c.
Ginzberg Marc, The African Art Collection of Marc and Denyse Ginzberg, New York : Private edition (10 copies), 2003, no.
Borgatti Jean & Richard Brilliant, Likeness and BEyond : Portraits from Africa and the World. New York : The Center for
African Art, 1990, cat.90, pp. 144 & 146.
Vogel, African Sculpture : The Shape of Surprise. C.W. Post College, Greenvale, Long Island, New York, 1989, no.38, no.
Neyt François, Traditionnal Arts & History of Zaire. 1981, no.5.
Lehuard Raoul, La collection Marc Ginzberg, Arts d’Afrique Noire, No. 25, 1978, p.6.
Neyt François, La Grande Statuaire Hemba du Zaïre. Université Catholique de Louvain, 1977, I, No.5, pp.68-69.

Exhibition: Heroic Africans : Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, September 19, 2011 –
January 29, 2012 ; Museum Rietberg, Zurich, February 26 – June 3, 2012.
Likeness and Beyond – Portrait from Africa and the World : The Center for African Art, New York, 1990.
African Sculptures – The Shape of surprise : C.W. Post College Art Gallery, Greevale, Long Island, New York, February 17 –
March 30, 1980.

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Galerie Bernard Dulon

Tribal Art from Africa, Oceania and Americas

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