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Michael Powolny


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1915

Period 20th century

Origin Vienna

Medium Ceramic, White glazing, Decorated in black

Dimension 79 cm (31¹/₈ inches)

designed by: Michael Powolny, around 1915/16
executed by: Vereinigte Wiener und Gmundner Keramik, 1915–1919

spring: H 79 cm
summer: H 83 cm
autumn: H 78 cm
winter: H 82 cm

"All four models for this 'Four Seasons' putto series are by the Austrian ceramicist, sculptor, glass and metal artist Michael Powolny. They were in serial production at 'Vereinigte Wiener und Gmundner Keramik' from 1915 to 1919 and also at the Wienerberger Company from 1915 onwards. In the famous Vienna Diana Baths, they were in the vestibule to the women’s baths in a double, coloured version set in niches designed by Otto Prutscher. There are a number of illustrations in contemporary literature and they are certainly regarded as one of the ceramicist’s special masterpieces. I have never seen this black and white version before and the variation seems to be very rare. These are particularly valuable objects by the famous ceramicist because of their rarity, and illustrations of them will certainly be included in any new addition of the Powolny monograph.” (Dr. Elisabeth Frottier, author of the Powolny monograph, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, 2012).

Date: 1915

Period: 20th century

Origin: Vienna

Medium: Ceramic, White glazing, Decorated in black

Signature: Marked: each WK, GK; summer with paper label: "Keram. Werkstätten Gmunden Austria"

Dimension: 79 cm (31¹/₈ inches)

Literature: E. Frottier, Michael Powolny, Keramik und Glas aus Wien 1900–1950, cat. raisonné 176 and 199–202

Discover the Gallery

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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