J. & J. Hermann


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1900

Epoque 1850-1900, 19th century

Origine Vienna

Medium Solid mahogany and veneer

Dimension 180 x 160 x 40 cm (70⁷/₈ x 63 x 15³/₄ inches)

First-class Viennese cabinet making
Executed by: J. & J. Herrmann, Vienna, around 1900

Solid mahogany and veneer, doors with rosewood inlay, brass fittings, cut and facetted glass, restored

J. & J. Herrmann executed this wonderful bookcase using a pre-1903 bookcase design by Josef Hoffmann as a model. The strict architecture as well as the characteristic inlay work on the two doors was borrowed.

Date: 1900

Epoque: 1850-1900, 19th century

Origine: Vienna

Medium: Solid mahogany and veneer

Dimension: 180 x 160 x 40 cm (70⁷/₈ x 63 x 15³/₄ inches)

Literature: Das Interieur IV, 1903, ill. p. 32

Découvrez la galerie

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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