A fine George III giltwood mirror in the manner of Matthias Lock
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A fine George III giltwood mirror in the manner of Matthias Lock

Godson & Coles

Date 1750

Period 1600-1750, 1750-1850, 18th century

Origin England

Medium Giltwood

Dimension 175 x 84.5 cm (68⁷/₈ x 33¹/₄ inches)

The mirror having a divided plate surrounded by an elaborate frame; carved throughout with foliage, pierced rockwork and c-scrolls and surmounted by a cartouche with the mirrored centre flanked by pediments mounted with  leaves and flowers 

Date: 1750

Period: 1600-1750, 1750-1850, 18th century

Origin: England

Medium: Giltwood

Dimension: 175 x 84.5 cm (68⁷/₈ x 33¹/₄ inches)

Literature: For a similar example designed by Matthias Lock, please see Elizabeth White: Pictorial Dictionary of British 18th Century Furniture Design, Antique Collectors’ Club, Suffolk 1990, p. 326, pl. 5

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