Aquamarine snuff bottle in the shape of fruit - China 19th century
Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne
Fine Chinese Art and Snuff Bottles
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Water dropper (scholar object ) biscuit "famille verte" Lotus shape Kangxi period
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Kogo (incense box) round red cinnabar lacquer decor butterflies in flight in hibiscus scrolls Japan Meiji era '1868/1912) 8cm diam
Agate snuff bottle mounted by Maquet
porcelain snuff bottle with scholar decor in a garden its attendants bringing a qin painted in blue under covered and enamels style doucai (couleurs contrastées) Mark Yongzheng- China 1790/ 1840
Porcelain snuff bottle enamelled in iron red decorated on each side of a dragon and on the sides of clouds - Imperial Jingdezhen kilns - Daoguang mark and period 1821/1850
Ecuelle "famille verte porcelain decorated with flowers - Kangxi period