George Minne
De kleine gekwetste, 1898
Ronny Van De Velde
Provenance: Privéverzameling
19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings
Plus d'œuvres d'art de la Galerie
Henri de Braekeleer
Achterbuurt in Antwerpen, 1860-1865
Demande de prix
George Grosz
Jaak en de bonenstaak, 1936
Bruce Nauman
Yellow from Soft Ground Etching, 2007
1955-1985 Salle Br. de Cobra
Alechinsky Pierre (b. 1927)-Christian Dotremont (1922-1979)-Reinhoud D'Haese (1928-2007)-Raoul Ubac (1910-1985)
Elaine Sturtevant
Duchamp Triptych
Marcel Duchamp
Couple of Laundress’s Aprons, 1959/1960