Murik Lakes Azde

Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Epoque 19/20th century

Medium Wood

Dimension 55.6 cm (21⁷/₈ inches)

A very fine adze handle completely carved all over with a complex assemblage of geometric, zoomorphic, and anthropomorphic motifs. The handle terminates with a large ancestor head. Murik Lakes and Lower Sepik Bassin, PNG. Wood with a fine reddish coloration and an encrusted patina of age and usage.

Epoque: 19/20th century

Medium: Wood

Dimension: 55.6 cm (21⁷/₈ inches)

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Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Tribal Art dealer specializing in early Oceanic Art since 1980 and archaic Eskimo Art since 2010

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