Snuff bottle jade spotted green apple and rust
Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne
Epoque 1750/1850
Epoque: 1750/1850
Fine Chinese Art and Snuff Bottles
Plus d'œuvres d'art de la Galerie
Small biscuit base enamelled turquoise blue and aubergine
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two snuff bottles of ecusson shape porcelain molded and carved to decor of erotic scenes (couples in a richly furnished interior) masks and rings at the shoulders - Mark Qianlong - China 19th century
Rare snuff bottle
snuff bottle in amethyst carved pagodas in landscapes China 19th century
small rock crystal perfume burner carved with Taotie masks and rings . china 19th century
Balustre shaped snuff bottle in translucent blue glass "sapphire" - China 1750/1850