ALAMITO - Suplicante

Galerie Mermoz

Date 100 BC. - 250 AD.

Dimension 50.5 x 19 x 18.5 cm (19⁷/₈ x 7¹/₂ x 7¹/₄ inches)

Suplicante - ALAMITO – Argentina - 100 B.C - 250 A.D - Pre-Columbian

Height : 50.5 cm

Width : 19 cm

Depth : 18.5 cm

Grey trachyandésite with grey-black patina

Documents (originals) provided to the acquirer:

- Certificate of authenticity of the Galerie Mermoz,

Santo Micali, Expert, (CNE) Compagnie Nationale des Experts

- Certificate of Art Loss Register

- Passport of free circulation

- Microanalysis report

- Invoice

This sculpture represents a very stylised kneeling figure, specific to Argentine art, made in a hard volcanic rock requiring a great mastery of the size, knowing that at the time metal tools did not exist. The top of the piece represents the joined arms, in prayer position in front of the mouth, and the head directed towards the sky. The two arches below represent the bent legs of the man who gathers. The feet under the buttocks form the basis of the sculpture. The vertical trunk taken in a vice between the arms and legs constitutes the bust that supports the whole. It is dug in its center at the level of the belly. The head is summed up here in a domed forehead, two round eyes in relief and a notch in place of the nose. The open mouth, signified by the space arranged in the hands, evokes prayers and incantations. The whole is so artistically ingenious that this figure, about 2000 years old, absorbed by the cosmos and praying with devotion for the protection of the guardian gods, becomes an architectural form of a striking modernity.

Date: 100 BC. - 250 AD.

Dimension: 50.5 x 19 x 18.5 cm (19⁷/₈ x 7¹/₂ x 7¹/₄ inches)

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Galerie Mermoz

Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican and South American

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