Karl Bräuer


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1912

Epoque Limed oak

Origine Austrian, 20th century

Dimension 208 x 177 x 42.5 cm (81⁷/₈ x 69⁵/₈ x 16³/₄ inches)

Designed by: Karl Bräuer attr., Vienna, around 1912

Executed by: Wenzel Hollmann

Limed oak, interior stained in black, 16 drawers, white metal fittings, easy to take apart,
surface slightly repolished, 3 lower doors with slight warping, very nice
original condition

H 208 cm, W 177 (172) cm, D 42.5 (39.5) cm

Newly added cat. no. H21/57

Date: 1912

Epoque: Limed oak

Origine: Austrian, 20th century

Dimension: 208 x 177 x 42.5 cm (81⁷/₈ x 69⁵/₈ x 16³/₄ inches)

Literature: Cf. Das Interieur XIV, 1913,
plates 88, 89

Découvrez la galerie

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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