Anthropomorphic Funerary Eye Stele
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Anthropomorphic Funerary Eye Stele

David Aaron

Period 4th- 3rd Century B.C

Origin South Arabia

Period: 4th- 3rd Century B.C

Origin: South Arabia

Provenance: From Haid Bin Aqil, necropolis of Timna, capital of South Arabian Kingdom Qataban.
Private UK Collection, acquired in the early 1960’s (accompanied by export license dated 4th May 1962 from the Colony of Aden in the name of Major M.D Van Lessen, signed and translated by Donald Brian Doe, director of Antiquities, Aden).
London Art Market, 2011.
Private Collection.

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David Aaron

Specializing in Classical, Egyptian, Near Eastern, Islamic and Indian Works of art.

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