Franz Hagenauer


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1936 until 1962

Epoque 20th century

Origine Austria

Medium Wood, Ebonized and polished

Dimension 17.5 x 40 cm (6⁷/₈ x 15³/₄ inches)

Designed by: Franz Hagenauer, Vienna, around 1935

Executed by: Werkstätte Hagenauer, Vienna, 1936 until 1962

Wood, ebonized and polished, excellent original condition

The figure was also executed as a stag with antlers. In my view, the polished surface suggests that it is an early version of the late 1930s.

Sincere thanks to Dr. Maria-Luise Jesch, Austrian Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, Hagenauer archives for this information.

Date: 1936 until 1962

Epoque: 20th century

Origine: Austria

Medium: Wood, Ebonized and polished

Signature: Marked: Hagenauer Wien, WHW in circle, MADE IN AUSTRIA, HANDMADE

Dimension: 17.5 x 40 cm (6⁷/₈ x 15³/₄ inches)

Provenance: Private property, Belgium

Découvrez la galerie

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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