Josef Hoffmann


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date Around 1905

Period 20th century

Origin Austria

Medium Beech and bent beech wood, Dyed to rosewood

Dimension 99 x 30 cm (39 x 11³/₄ inches)

Designed by: Josef Hoffmann attr., Vienna, around 1905

Executed by: J. & J. Kohn

Beech and bent beech wood, dyed to rosewood, surface professionally repolished,
excellent condition

Date: Around 1905

Period: 20th century

Origin: Austria

Medium: Beech and bent beech wood, Dyed to rosewood

Signature: Marked: remains of original paper label: "J. & J. Kohn, Wien"

Dimension: 99 x 30 cm (39 x 11³/₄ inches)

Provenance: Private property, Austria

Discover the Gallery

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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