Portois & FIX


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1901

Epoque 20th century

Origine Austria

Medium mahogany wood and veneer

Dimension 181 x 110 x 57 cm (71¹/₄ x 43¹/₄ x 22¹/₂ inches)

Designed by: variation of a design by Josef Hoffmann, Vienna, 1901

Executed by: Portois & Fix

Mahogany wood and veneer, retouches, surface cleaned and slightly repolished, polished brass fittings, cut and facetted glass, very good original condition

In 1901, Josef Hoffmann designed a comparable piece, which featured in the magazine "Das Interieur II" with a caption that reads: "Prof. Josef Hoffmann, Zierschränkchen, ausgeführt von Portois & Fix" (showcase made by Portois & Fix). The showcase shown in the illustration is identical in form but much more richly decorated. On the narrow sides, there are small pieces of glass in different colours, mounted in brass and representing poppy seed heads; the four columns are decorated with elaborate brasswork. In contrast to the one owned by Wien Museum, the piece I am exhibiting has retained the clear, architectonic basic design and thus corresponds more closely to the Secessionist principles. To my knowledge, this piece was executed in only three versions.

Date: 1901

Epoque: 20th century

Origine: Austria

Medium: mahogany wood and veneer

Signature: Marked: on both locks: PORTOIS & FIX, WIEN, 7253 H

Dimension: 181 x 110 x 57 cm (71¹/₄ x 43¹/₄ x 22¹/₂ inches)

Provenance: Private property, Austria


Das Interieur II, 1901, ill. p. 155; M. Wenzel-Bachmayer, Vienna, 2008,
Die Firma Portois & Fix, Pariser Esprit und Wiener Moderne, p. 57

Découvrez la galerie

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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