Ottoman Flintlock Pistol

Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Epoque 19th century

Origine Ottoman Empire

Dimension 51.2 cm (20¹/₈ inches)

This L-shaped flintlock kubur pistol is decorated with finely chiselled silver gilt to form floral and foliage motifs across the weapon. The gold inscriptions on the top of the pistol reads Amal-i Abd sahib Ahmed Ağa, which clarifies that this weapon was made by a craftsman by the name of Abd for Ahmed Agha, who was most likely an important person within the military ranks. The craftsman has cleverly used his floral designs to form the face of a man around the ball-butt whilst the outer edges appear to form the style of a turban. 

Stock no.: A3400

Epoque: 19th century

Origine: Ottoman Empire

Dimension: 51.2 cm (20¹/₈ inches)

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Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Indian,Islamic and Cross-Cultural Works of Art

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