Dagobert Peche


Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date around 1920

Epoque 20th century

Origine Vienna, Austria

Medium silver, Chased and hammered, Bead and reel decoration, Hand polished

Dimension 14.6 x 24 cm (5³/₄ x 9¹/₂ inches)

Designed by: Dagobert Peche, Vienna, around 1920

Executed by: Wiener Werkstätte, model no. S 4809 – S sh 48 (AZ) 2880

Connection between base and bowl soldered, very good original condition

Date: around 1920

Epoque: 20th century

Origine: Vienna, Austria

Medium: silver, Chased and hammered, Bead and reel decoration, Hand polished

Signature: Marked: WIENER WERK STÄTTE (3 lines), monogrammed P with star
for Dagobert Peche, 900, MADE IN AUSTRIA, WW, the symbols of Mercury (Austrian export mark), triangle (most probably American import mark); on base: 900, WW

Dimension: 14.6 x 24 cm (5³/₄ x 9¹/₂ inches)


Private collection, USA


A contemporary photograph is preserved in the Wiener
Werkstätte photographic archives at the Austrian Museum
of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna,
inv. no. WWF 96-233-6; WW archives, Austrian Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna,
design drawing inv. no. KI 12005-14

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Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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