Vanderven Oriental Art
Cup with silver mounts
Elephant Kendi
Enamel on Biscuit Mountain
Cast Iron Ox
Soapstone Figure
Famille Verte Octagonal Tazza - Kangxi period
Egg & Spinach Bowls
708. Chinese Export Silver Rosewater Sprinkler
Sancai Groom
Snuff bottle
Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne
Paper cutter
Small box cinabar lacquer in fruit shaped
Cup and stand
Mother of pearl snuff box with Pomponne mount
Small Chinese tray circular in "lac burgauté" inlaid mother of pearl and gold
Qiu Zhijie
Song Dynasty Poem: Huang Tingqian: Where is the Spring
Michael Goedhuis
Li Huayi
Chun-yi Lee
Painting in Poetry, Poetry in Painting
Wing Wong
Basic No. 349
Ch'ing Lo
The Speed of Autumn Colour
Jui-chung Yao
Dust in the Wind: Mountain Path
Hu Zhen Kun
Lotus and Dragonfly
Aige Xie
Dong Wei
Zhangzhou Dish Made for the Islamic Market
Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.
Kulah Khud (helmet)
A Blue Porcelain Ewer Made for the Islamic Market
Iznik Dish
Tiger Palanquin Ornament
Indian Hide Shield
Hanuman Burns Lanka
A Huanghuali Wood Cloth Rack
Andy Hei Ltd
A Huanghuali Wood Long Table with Giant Arm Braces
A pair of Huanghuali Wood High Back Armchairs
Writing Cabinet "Ventó"
São Roque
Dish openwork rim
Bidri Pandan with Silver Inlaid Tray
Copper Flint Striker
Pair of Libation CupsAnhua horses
Large Libation CupCrane + Poem
Painting from a Ragamala Series
3 China Trade Paintings D1274 D1274a D1274b
Pair of Plate Poems
Josstick holder Lions
Pair of Figural Groups
Large pronk Basin
Pottery Figure of a Courtier
Silver Container (Bezoar or Goa Stone)
Cast Bronze Alam
Figure of Bodhisattva Gold bronze and sitting in padmasana the hands in bhumisparsa mudra
Boris Aldridge
(No.21) Birds of Paradise
(No.23) Beyond These Shores 2
(No.24) Beyond These Shores 3
Hispano-Moresque Jug
Small figure of Lhama in gold bronze - Seated in Lilasana
Pair of spice box "famille verte" porcelain decorated with flowers
İznik Tile
Portrait of Sultan Bayezid II
Folding Quran Stand
Porcelain Ewer Made for the Islamic Market
Rare vase Yixing ware
Model of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
A Thai Enamel Copper Document Holder
European Ceramic Candlestick made in the Safavid Style
Chinese coral dragon shaped boat with women musicians on it
Enamelled Mamluk Glass Beaker
David Aaron
Vase Canton polychrome enamel
An Indian Jade-Hilted Peshkabz Dagger
Chinese enamelled copper tray with a very rare erotic decoration
Two dish Canton enamels on copper
Brush washer finely sculpted agate
Saint Peter
Statuette in white and rust carnelian representing a recumbent buffalo. China 19th century 10 cm long
bamboo brush pot (bitong) in the shape of a cloud of good omen, black lacquered and incised with an archaic inscription surmounted by a commentary in current . Inscription on the vase "you" dedicated by Hu to Father Wu - his son Hu had this vase made for his father Wu Imitated the ancient by Val des Nuées . China 19th century
Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne - Paris - Porcelain from China and Japan - Snuff bottles - Oriental Art
Rare pair of Canton email cups polychrome on copper - China Qianlong Period 1736/1795
CARRE RIVE GAUCHE - Les 5 jours de L'OBJET EXTRAORDINAIRE du 4 - 8 JUIN - Evènement incontournable pour tous les amateurs d art et collectionneurs -
Pendant in amber root finely carved with a buffalo and several characters in a landscape - China 19th century
superb scepter very finely openwork and carved in boxwood China 19th century