Four Leaves from the Jam-e Jam of Auhadi Maraghai
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Four Leaves from the Jam-e Jam of Auhadi Maraghai

Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Date 1550

Epoque 1400-1600, 16th Century

Origine Iran, Mashhad, Herat

Medium Paper, Gold speckled borders

Dimension 33 x 21.5 cm (13 x 8¹/₂ inches)

These four leaves on different coloured papers and with coloured, gold speckled borders, come from a Safavid copy of the poet Awhadi Maraghai's (d. 1338) mystical mathnavi, Jam-e Jam, or the “Cup of Jamshid”. The hand is a beautifully even nasta'liq that can be dated to the mid-16th century. Though the illuminated cartouches for the chapter headings - left blank here - are in a generally Safavid style and cannot be attributed to a particular area, the borders probably indicate that the manuscript was made in Khurasan, the area comprising modern Eastern Iran and Western Afghanistan. For a group of manuscripts with similar borders made around the mid-16th century and attributed to the two main cultural centres in Khurasan, Mashhad and Herat, see a treatise on official correspondence (insha') completed in 1563, a Divan of Shahi, and a copy of Jami's Salaman va Absal, all in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris (Francis Richard, Splendeurs Persanes, Paris, 1997, nos. 111, 113, 119).

Date: 1550

Epoque: 1400-1600, 16th Century

Origine: Iran, Mashhad, Herat

Medium: Paper, Gold speckled borders

Dimension: 33 x 21.5 cm (13 x 8¹/₂ inches)

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Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Indian,Islamic and Cross-Cultural Works of Art

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