Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule

Vase in Brass Mount

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1900

Epoque 1850-1900

Origine Vienna

Medium Colourless glass

Dimension 35 cm (13³/₄ inches)

Closely trailed with coloured glass threads and splashes, Secessionist brass mount with prominent base, three studs on the sides tapering to a protruding handle

Designed and executed by: Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule, around 1900
Glass executed by: Bohemian glass factory, around 1900

With its iridescent, rainbow-coloured surface the glass shows a strong affinity to the Phänomen décors developed by Lötz. The Secessionist brass mount confers to this object, which is certainly the equal of Lötz’s best pieces, a particularly harmonious general impression.

Date: 1900

Epoque: 1850-1900

Origine: Vienna

Medium: Colourless glass

Dimension: 35 cm (13³/₄ inches)

Découvrez la galerie

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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