Ruby, emerald, sapphire and diamond basket of flowers brooch by Cartier, London,
S.J. Phillips Ltd
Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver
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Enamel and gold articulated panel bracelet
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Early 19th century oval link diamond necklace forming a pair of bracelets, English c.1820,
Louis XV provincial silver wine taster by Olivier Destriche, Angers 1744. Snake handle and engraved M.David p.ur.
Graduated moss agate and gold collet necklace, the cabochon cut stones of oval-navette shape
Diamond and emerald frog brooch, the almost lifesize form naturalistically modelled
Gold, cabochon emerald, sapphire and diamond Indianesque bangle by Cartier, Paris, the upper section in the form of a bold gold leaf cap studded with a line of nine graduated sugarloaf and round cabochon emeralds,